Explaining what user experience is & why it is important
by Damian Rees, Founder & UX Director

Explaining what user experience is & why it is important

What I do - explaining user experience

I still don’t know what to say when people ask me what I do. After 13 years of being in the user experience profession, I should have a standard response by now. But I either overcomplicate it by explaining in detail what I do, or I oversimplify with “I’m a design consultant”, “I do market research” or” I’m in web design”. Recently I’ve tried explaining that I help companies design products that look great, work well and fit users needs but I still get that vacant expression in response.

Having a difficult-to-explain job means I’m always seeking good examples of communication that help people ‘get it’ quickly. That’s why I wanted to share the following 3 videos from Google. They offer a great example of why user experience is important. It’s easy to identify with the scenarios in the videos and they do a good job of making the problem obvious. Sadly, Google Analytics is not the right solution to the problem, but putting that aside the videos are great.

Online checkout user experience

Landing page user experience

Site search user experience


I’m not sure these videos solve my party introduction problem, but I could whip out my phone and show a quick video if I really struggle explaining things.  If you have any suggestions for some nice simple ways to explain user experience to people at parties, I’d love some advice!

If you’d like to learn how to improve the experience for your customers, we’d love to meet you for a chat. Please get in touch.

UX Consultant Emma Peters

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01202 293652 emmajones@experienceux.co.uk