Understand to be Understood
Discovery & Research
Understand to be Understood
Discovery & Research
With a focus on gaining unique insight delivered in a practical, straightforward way our methods and approaches can provide and deliver a wide range of outputs and deliverables – depending on our clients need.
Our Discovery & Research services are one of three interlinking Human Centred groups of services. Linked with Architecture & Design and Create & Evolve we can provide clients with a full end to end package of sustainable growth.
Dave McRobbie
Digital Strategist
Effective Efficiency
Architecture and design to blueprint your way forwards.
Before your research, we weren’t really making decisions based on user needs – Experience UX helped us to make that culture shift. You’ve helped us to make a case to colleagues on the why, and how of putting users first. You challenge us to be evermore user-centred!
Katherine Starczewski, Senior Content Producer
A series of user profiling workshops to uncover staff and volunteers’ future ways of working.
Moderated and unmoderated user research to capture users’ emotional response to homepage designs.
An evidence-based approach to define the way forward for Education Training Foundation’s digital roadmap.
Book an introductory call with a member of our team today.