Case Study Universities UK
Case Study Universities UK
We supported Universities UK’s website redesign through usability testing, user journey mapping and requirements capture. Following the website’s launch, we completed a round of agile usability testing to review users’ responses.
Universities UK’s (UUK) mission is to help UK universities be the best in the world. Yet in 2020, UUK’s communications team were wrestling with all-too-common questions and concerns about their website’s performance. The challenge? Conduct research to help form an evidence-based business case for a user-centred website.
Before your research, we weren’t really making decisions based on user needs – Experience UX helped us to make that culture shift. You’ve helped us to make a case to colleagues on the why, and how of putting users first. You challenge us to be evermore user-centred!
Katherine Starczewski, Senior Content Producer
The team invited us to dive deep into their audiences and source insights that would challenge their assumptions and expectations. We completed several phases of research including usability testing; user journey mapping and requirements capture to establish their audience’s existing experience of UUK’s website.
Combining what we had learned through research with UUK’s organisational goals, we guided the team through workshops to wireframe page content and create blueprints upon which to build a website with user-centred foundations.
Fast forward and UUK’s new website had been launched. How was it performing? Did it answer their website visitors’ needs, tasks, and questions? Based on initial feedback and analytics, the team had suspicions and expectations about what was and was not working. Their natural next step was to initiate further usability testing to gauge their users’ perspectives. We provided a round of fast usability testing: short and rapid 1:1 sessions with members of their audience.
“Experience UX’s clear and concrete recommendations helped us focus on what we really needed to improve.”
Katherine Starczewski, Senior Content Producer
The team had expected their next phase of development would require some work on their website’s events pages. However, the research found these pages were well received, meaning the team could invest their finite time and resources into other underperforming features of the website that would have remained uncovered.
The two-year programme of work placed users at the heart of their communications, content, and website, and sparked an organisation-wide culture change.
Concluding UUK’s website redesign with agile usability testing provided the sense check to ensure it resonated with users as intended. We identified several actions to improve its usability as well as some missing content needs.
Matt Fisher
UX Consultant
A series of user profiling workshops to uncover staff and volunteers’ future ways of working.
Moderated and unmoderated user research to capture users’ emotional response to homepage designs.
An evidence-based approach to define the way forward for Education Training Foundation’s digital roadmap.
Let’s discuss how user research and usability testing will lighten your load and upgrade your users’ experience.
If you’d like to know more about how user research, usability testing and service design solutions can help you, then get in contact and make our day!
01202 293652 amyhunter@experienceux.co.uk